On 3/16/18 3:32 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
On 3/16/2018 11:57 AM, Markus wrote:
It seems like dmd doesn't care about the namespace of the template.
Can someone confirm this as a bug? or am I doing something terrible wrong? :)

Might check that this https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17772 is not the issue. See my comment in https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/7906 :

"Fixing the T_ mangling is much more problematic, I don't know how to do that yet. This namespace issue is independent, so it is convenient to do it separately."

There was another namespace issue recently found:


But it looks like its different. When you compare:



Something is wrong. Instead of the namespace, you get "some_templated_function" as the namespace!


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