On Saturday, 7 April 2018 at 20:14:49 UTC, bauss wrote:
jesus that became a long title.

Anyway as the title says, is it a bug that a parent class that access its own private members from derived classes gets deprecation warning?

Scenario narrowed down:

// module foo;
class Foo
    bool _baz;

    final void foos(T : Foo)(string key, T[] values)
      if (values && values.length)
        foreach (child; values)
          child._isChild = true;

// module bar;
class Bar : Foo

The above in my case will give a deprecation warning that "_baz" isn't visible from "Bar".

Well, template has nothing to do with it. Also, private members in D are private to the module, not to the class. Here's a reduced example:

--- foo.d ---
import bar;

class Foo
    private bool baz;

void test(Bar b)
    b.baz = true;

--- bar.d ---
import foo;

class Bar : Foo {}

void main()
    test(new Bar);

https://wiki.dlang.org/DIP22 mentions something called "look-up origin"; the meaning of that term is unclear to me...

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