On Sunday, 8 April 2012 at 05:56:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Walter and I discussed today about using the small string optimization in string and other arrays of immutable small objects.

I put together SSOString at


that uses small-string-optimization on top of a normal D string (slice).

I'm satisfied with everything excepts that -dip1000 doesn't vorbids `f` from compiling.

I also don't understand why `x[0]` cannot be returned by ref in the function `g`.

Comments are welcome.

Contents of sso_string.d follows:

module sso_string;

/** Small-size-optimized string.
* Store on the stack if constructed with <= `smallCapacity` number of
 * characters, otherwise on the GC heap.
struct SSOString
    private alias E = immutable(char); // immutable element type
    private alias ME = char;           // mutable element type

    pure nothrow:

/** Construct from `elements`, with potential GC-allocation (iff
     * `elements.length > smallCapacity`).
    this()(scope ME[] elements) @trusted // template-lazy
        if (elements.length <= smallCapacity)
            small.data[0 .. elements.length] = elements;
small.length = cast(typeof(small.length))(2*elements.length);
            large = elements.idup; // GC-allocate
            raw.length *= 2;  // shift up
            raw.length |= 1;  // tag as large


// TODO add @nogc overload to construct from mutable static array <= smallCapacity

/** Construct from `elements` without any kind of heap allocation.
    this()(immutable(E)[] elements) @trusted // template-lazy
        if (elements.length <= smallCapacity)
            small.data[0 .. elements.length] = elements;
small.length = cast(typeof(small.length))(2*elements.length);
            large = elements;   // @nogc
            raw.length *= 2;    // shift up
            raw.length |= 1;    // tag as large

    @property size_t length() const @trusted
        if (isLarge)
            return large.length/2; // skip first bit
            return small.length/2; // skip fist bit

    scope ref inout(E) opIndex(size_t index) inout return @trusted
        return opSlice()[index]; // automatic range checking

    scope inout(E)[] opSlice() inout return @trusted
        if (isLarge)
            union RawLarge
                Raw raw;
                Large large;
            RawLarge copy = void;
            copy.large = cast(Large)large;
            copy.raw.length /= 2; // adjust length
            return copy.large;
            return small.data[0 .. small.length/2]; // scoped

    private @property bool isLarge() const @trusted
return large.length & 1; // first bit discriminates small from large

    struct Raw                  // same memory layout as `E[]`
size_t length; // can be bit-fiddled without GC allocation
        E* ptr;

    alias Large = E[];

    enum smallCapacity = Large.sizeof - Small.length.sizeof;
static assert(smallCapacity > 0, "No room for small elements for E being " ~ E.stringof); version(LittleEndian) // see: http://forum.dlang.org/posting/zifyahfohbwavwkwbgmw
        struct Small
            ubyte length;
            E[smallCapacity] data;
        static assert(0, "BigEndian support and test");

        Raw raw;
        Large large;
        Small small;

@safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
    import container_traits : mustAddGCRange;
    alias S = SSOString;

    static assert(S.sizeof == 2*size_t.sizeof); // two words
    static assert(S.smallCapacity == 15);
static assert(mustAddGCRange!S); // `Large large.ptr` must be scanned

    auto s0 = S.init;
    assert(s0.length == 0);
    assert(s0[] == []);

    const s7 = S("0123456");
    static assert(is(typeof(s7[]) == string));
    assert(s7.length == 7);
    assert(s7[] == "0123456");
    // TODO assert(s7[0 .. 4] == "0123");

    const s15 = S("012345678901234");
    static assert(is(typeof(s15[]) == string));
    assert(s15.length == 15);
    assert(s15[] == "012345678901234");

    const s16 = S("0123456789abcdef");
    static assert(is(typeof(s16[]) == string));
    assert(s16.length == 16);
    assert(s16[] == "0123456789abcdef");
    assert(s16[0] == '0');
    assert(s16[10] == 'a');
    assert(s16[15] == 'f');

// TODO static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto _ = S((char[]).init); }));

    string f() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
        S x;
        return x[];             // TODO should fail with -dip1000

    // TODO activate
    // ref char g() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
    // {
    //     S x;
// return x[0]; // TODO should fail with -dip1000
    // }

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