On Monday, 21 May 2018 at 03:19:34 UTC, KingJoffrey wrote:
On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 11:19:01 UTC, Dave Jones wrote:
On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 02:45:25 UTC, KingJoffrey wrote:
On Saturday, 19 May 2018 at 17:38:48 UTC, Gheorghe Gabriel wrote:
Anyway... feel free to misrepresent what I've said, engage in hyperbole, snip the parts you cant argue with, speak for all the people who chose not to use D, tell D it's doomed if they don't do what you say, it'll never be popular, that it's all idiotic. Etc...

Come on Dave.

18+ years, and still less than 1000 programmers.

Do you have a citation for that? I have no idea how many users there are tbh.

As I've said, I can have more that one class in a file in a variety of different mainstream languages, which represent about 20 million developers, and still have the compiler protect that interface from abuse, including accidental misuse.

Delphi had the exact same thing and was probably the second largest IDE/Development platform on Windows for a very long time. The idea that it is a make or break feature is a figment of your imagination.

You cannot get this in D, and yet 20 million developers have had this for decades.

20 million developers have had the friend feature for decades, it didn't stop Java becoming huge without it.

The point is you constantly make logical fallacies of that sort... A has feature B and A is popular so it follows that to be popular you must implement B.

And if I was taking your tone and attitude in pointing this out I would call that idiotic and by implication would be calling you an idiot. I'm not by the way, I'm being mature for once :) and just pointing it out without labelling you.

When they come over to D, their' told, stuff you, we don't do it that way in D, and btw, we don't care about your ideas on how we could easily get D to do it both ways. We prefer our own way, so you get stuffed.

Many people have engaged with you on your ideas. But lets be honest why should they care about your ideas when you clearly dont care about what they are saying? You have your position that "private means private" and that is the end of it. Nothing anyone can say will change your mind about that. That's why it's pointless, why talking to you is pointless.

And you quickly resort to being derogatory when you dont get your own way, for example "LOL less than 1000 users after 15 years". Stuff like that. And you want to be taken seriously?

BTW this is a user newsgroup it's not the steering group or the boardroom. Why on earth would you think you can change the direction of the language by shouting loudly in the local boozer?

That's kind of what I've hearing from the D community.

People pointing out flaws in your argument, saying this is what you have to do to get your ideas accepted and these are the kind of issues you will have to overcome, is not telling you to get stuffed.

The problem is you dont seem to handle people disagreeing with you very well, you take it personally, that's why you resort to hyperbole and misrepresenting their position. You react emotionally instead of calm honest assessment of the facts.

If people say "but D works for me, I like this feature" you say it's idiotic and a sign of small language mentality.

Of course, that kind of attitude can only invite the same attitude back to the D community.

Go back and read over both threads, people weren't rude to you. They basically said "huh works for me" and "takes a lot to get a change accepted".

Let's hope you truly don't represent the D community, cause then my comments are not hyperbole, they are fact.

I have very little to do with anything here tbh, i just tinker in D, dont have time for much more than that.

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