On Friday, 25 May 2018 at 04:31:54 UTC, Neia Neutuladh wrote:
On Friday, 25 May 2018 at 03:24:32 UTC, IntegratedDimensions wrote:
Show me where I asked you to do any work for me.

The subject of your post is in the imperative. It's a command.

You are an imbecile, which I will attempt to prove: The subject describes the context of the post. It is not a command and no where says for everyone to drop what they are doing on work on it. That is what you want to read in to it. You are an evil person and want to spread your vitriol and hate by trying to read in the most negative things you can.

People who just have an idea that they want to discuss but aren't actively proposing as a change tend to communicate that explicitly. They say something like "what do you think about this idea?" or "would anyone find this useful?" or "soliciting feedback".

It doesn't matter. People that want to force other people to do things usually use guns. If we restrict our selves to forum posts someone will say something like:



"You guys have to implement this now!"

The fact is, you chose to be a douchebag because you are a douchebag. No where in my post did I have any animosity. Why? Because I didn't put in any. I had no animosity... just because you can misinterpret it and find it means that is something you projected on to it.

Even if I wrote "GO FUCK YOURSELF!", If I put no animosity in it then there is none and it means nothing what I wrote why? Because that could be also said in a joking way as we know some people say it that way. The fact is, I said nothing even close to being negative and the fact is you jumped to the conclusion that it was.

In fact, what you did was get pissed because I rejected your comment as being useful and then that made you negative so you decided to be a douchebag. That is your problem, not mine. You seem to have a need for everyone to accept everything you say as the absolute truth. God complex?

At any rate, if you're just looking for whether anyone else thinks it would be useful, the answer seems to be no.

Um, another condescending attack? First, How do you know what others thing? Second, someone found it useful enough to create a simple piece of that emulates the behavior. If they thought it was absolutely useless as you are trying to imply they would never bothered. Again, it is you projecting.

You have a problem, you like to be a douchebag.

You are an imbecile. Just trying to stir up trouble because you obviously don't know how to read. You didn't like my response and so you are being a dick... simple as that. I'm sure you will get your supporters... some dicks like to other dicks.

I've first-hand experience with moderation on this forum: nothing public, at most a private email from Walter or Andrei.

What are you saying? You have rubbed dicks with them? There are a lot of douchebag moderators, in fact, most. Similar to cops where they get a little authority and they think they are a god. So, I fail to see exactly what you are saying here.

This does a terrible job of setting expectations of community behavior. It makes it look like there is no moderation at all. I have no idea whether the moderation I experienced was unique or standard -- do most people not even get a warning? If someone is rude to me, are they tolerated while I am rebuked?

You know what sets terrible expectations? When someone decides to read a post, reply trying to be helpful, when they are told their help wasn't on track they get pissed off then write posts that are condescending in attitude that is totally irrelevant to the original discussion and pretends to take the high ground.

If you notice I didn't attack anyone but you and that occurred after you attacked me. You, with your inflated ego expected me to roll over.

1. This is my thread, I shouldn't have to defend myself against any douchbag wants to but in and cause trouble.


I hope that policy changes.

This is not an impossibly huge request, but it isn't trivial by any means. There are two socially acceptable ways to get people to implement something you want: convince them it's worthwhile, or pay them.

Um, no, it is trivial.

The relevant code is here:

If, looking at it, you still think it's trivial, then you must be considerably better at this than me. And have a much firmer idea in your head of how this feature would work than you've told us.

1. The code isn't terrible, but I have never messed with the D source so it is not a test of my skills. It is a test of someone that actually deals in the idiom that is used along with the style and methods so that they can create proper features rather than for me to hack it together. The only people that can answer if this feature would be difficult to implement are those people.

2. The feature itself is a rewrite rule. That in and of itself dictates that any implement is simple. If it is not simple then the compiler itself has a sever complexity issue that is a bigger problem.

3. I could probably spend a few hours implementing the feature. What good would it do? As you said "No one else finds it useful". To get it in the master branch would require a DIP and other shit that I'm not interested in doing. It seems that people like you wouldn't appreciate the effort anyways so why should I bother.

You seem to be the type of person that likes to beat their own chest and bully people around when they don't kowtow to your expectations. That is the real problem here and that is why you are a douchebag. Respect is earned and so far you are in the red.

You should take a few lessons from aliak on how to respond. His post was extremely helpful in providing a way to accomplish what I wanted in almost all respects. Yes, it is a library solution, but almost all things are. I didn't come in here thinking people were going to jump on immediate and modify the language, that is something you projected. What I came here to do was find a pattern that would be nearly as effected and thanks to aliak I got that, not thanks to you. Now, if anyone finds the feature useful and wants to implement it in the language and go through all the trouble then that is their business, not mine. What I did not come in here to do was deal with a douchebag. If you don't like me calling you one then simply stop being one. Assuming the worse is always going to cause problems but they are caused by you. Maybe next time you take a post a certain way you don't like you might think twice and question yourself, something I'm sure you rarely, if ever, do.

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