On Wednesday, 25 July 2018 at 16:43:38 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:

That's an opinion, naturally.

No I am expressing an argument not an opinion.

"let's force the programmer to think about what he is doing, passing an rvalue by ref"
Nonsense, you have shown no evidence that they don't know what they are doing when making a automatic conversion. You might as well argue against the existence of var.

At best, is "let's catch early some bugs (caused by other problems as Manu pointed out)".

He also pointed it is own class of problems, as it can be replicated without ref.

Set of problems as automatic promotion or conversion, as decades of problems with unsigned/signed have proved...

False Equivalence. We are not discussing numeric overflows here.

There's not a magic conversion between apples and oranges in a foreach loop... ref value apart.

You where saying?


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