Wow! I am glad to see so many responses! Thanks for your indulgence.

So, to summarize, the concept (no pun intended) has been around for a while in D---originally in the context of arrays. It just might have been a bug, or an unintended side-effect. I intend to read the archival posts and might have something to say later.


PS: I realize that I am a stickler for history, or rather historical contexts related to technology or research that I am involved in, and more recently regarding programming language concepts. The culprit is probably the fact that I have been teaching programming languages course (or, taught one semester of it, and plan to teach it again in Spring) which has allowed me to learn of the origins of so many concepts which we sometimes take for granted today, but were part of some old languages.

PS1: I didn't want to respond to a particular thread, but there is no way in this forum to write a generic response to multiple posts so I am picking one as the anchor.

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