Typical comments:

"`assertAndContinue` crashes in dev and logs an error and keeps going in prod. Each time we want to verify a runtime assumption, we decide which type of assert to use. We prefer `assertAndContinue` (and I push for it in code review),"

"Stopping all executing may not be the correct 'safe state' for an airplane 

"One faction believed you should never intentionally crash the app"

"One place I worked had a team that was very adamant about not really having much error checking. Not much of any qc process, either. Wait for someone to complain about bad data and respond. Honestly, this worked really well for small, skunkworks type projects that needed to be nimble."

And on and on. It's unbelievable. The conventional wisdom in software for how to deal with programming bugs simply does not exist.

Here's the same topic on Reddit with the same awful ideas:

No wonder that DVD players still hang when you insert a DVD with a scratch on it, and I've had a lot of DVD and Bluray players over the last 20 years. No wonder that malware is everywhere.

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