On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 17:19:41 UTC, SashaGreat wrote:
I did by head. But how a newbie would suppose to do that?

For that challenge, you only non-obvious thing need to know is the syntax for the modulus and ternary operators, which are present in many programming languages. You can do tthe calculation with a regular desktop calculator.

If that is too much, you can run the code on run.dlang.io. In this case, you only need to know how tocall a function and print its result.

If that is also too much, you can ask for help in the #d IRC channel.

The software suggests the above two options. In my opinion, it is a reasonable compromise, but I'm open to suggestions. (Note that at least once, a spammer managed to get through the CAPTCHA precisely by simply asking on #d, with a good samaritan providing the answer without inquiring further.)

And by the way, after you do once why need to do every time?

It is needed to prevent flooding. However, successfully solving the CAPTCHA a number of times across a period of time while logged in will whitelist your account.

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