On Wednesday, 3 October 2018 at 11:48:06 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:
On Tuesday, 2 October 2018 at 06:26:30 UTC, Joakim wrote:
I'm sure some thought and planning is now going into the next DConf, so I'd like to make sure people are aware that the conference format that DConf uses is dying off, as explained here:


It is a matter of personal preference, and a view of a modern-day geek, in my humble opinion... I _highly disagree_. People go to conferences for different reasons. You know, even though we "computer people" tend to be branded as antisocial, there are still many of us who prefer to see someone in person, talk to him/her, meet new people, speak to them too, build the network, exchange phone numbers, etc...

As usual with conferences not all people are happy - you will ALWAYS have people who prefer more technical stuff, and people who prefer more business side - people who try to promote their products and services. - Conferences are brilliant places for them.

Another group of people interested in conferences and meetups are recruiters. My company found few new colleagues this way...

Yet another group are people who also want to see the town where the conference is held - it is a form of tourism if you like.

Yes, you can have all that interaction with some internet-conferencing software, but not at the level when people interact with each other directly!

Like most of the responses in this thread, I have no idea why you're stumping for in-person interaction, when all my suggestions were geared around having _more in-person interaction_.

If you're still not sure what I mean, read this long post I wrote fisking Adam's similar post:


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