On Tuesday, 16 October 2018 at 00:15:54 UTC, Manu wrote:
On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 4:35 PM Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

What?!? So... my unshared methods should also perform all that's necessary for `shared` methods?

Of course! You're writing a threadsafe object... how could you expect otherwise?

See below.

Just to be clear, what I'm suggesting is a significant *restriction* to what shared already does... there will be a whole lot more safety under my proposal.

I don't see how an *implicit* cast can be a restriction. At all.

The cast gives exactly nothing that attributing a method as shared doesn't give you, except that attributing a method shared is so much
more sanitary and clearly communicates intent at the API level.

It's like we're talking about wholly different things here. Casting should be done by the caller, i.e. a programmer that uses some API. If that API expects shared arguments, the caller better make sure they pass shared values. Implicit conversion destroys any obligations between the caller and the API.

> You can write bad code with any feature in any number of > ways.

Yup. For example, passing an int* to a function expecting shared int*.

I don't understand your example. What's the problem you're suggesting?

The problem that I'm suggesting is exactly that: an `int*` is not, and can not, be a `shared int*` at the same time. Substitute int for any type. But D is not Rust and it can't statically prevent that, except for disallowing trivial programming mistakes, which, with implicit conversion introduced, would also go away.

...And therefore they lack any synchronization. So I don't see how they *can* be "compatible" with `shared` methods.

I don't understand this statement either. Who said they lack synchronisation? If they need it, they will have it. There's a good chance they don't need it though, they might not interact with a thread-unsafe portion of the class.

Or they might.

> If your shared method is incompatible with other methods, > your class is broken, and you violate your promise.


So certain...

class BigCounter {

this() { /* don't even need the mutex if I'm not sharing this
*/ }

     this(Mutex m = null) shared {
         this.m = m ? m : new Mutex;

     void increment() { value += 1; }
     void increment() shared { synchronized(m)
*value.assumeUnshared += 1; }

     Mutex m;
     BigInt value;

You've just conflated 2 classes into one. One is a threadlocal
counter, the other is a threadsafe counter. Which is it?
Like I said before: "you can contrive a bad program with literally any language feature!"

Because that is exactly the code that a good amount of "developers" will write. Especially those of the "don't think about it" variety. Don't be mistaken for a second: if the language allows it, they'll write it.

They're not "compatible" in any shape or form.

Correct, you wrote 2 different things and mashed them together.

Can you actually provide an example of a mixed shared/unshared class that even makes sense then? As I said, at this point I'd rather see such definitions prohibited entirely.

Or would you have
the unshared ctor also create the mutex and unshared increment also take the lock? What's the point of having them then? Better disallow mixed implementations altogether (which is actually not that bad of an idea).

Right. This is key to my whole suggestion. If you write a shared thing, you accept that it's shared! You don't just accept it, you jam the stake in the ground.

Then, once more, `shared` should then just be a type qualifier exclusively, and mixing shared/unshared methods should just not be allowed.

There's a relatively small number of things that need to be
threadsafe, you won't see `shared` methods appearing at random. If you use shared, you promise threadsafety OR the members of the thing are inaccessible without some sort of lock-&-cast-away treatment.

As above.

import std.concurrency;
import core.atomic;

void thread(shared int* x) {

shared int c;

void main() {
     int x;
     auto tid = spawn(&thread, &x); // "just" a typo

You're saying that's ok, it should "just" compile. It shouldn't. It should produce an error and a mild electric discharge into the developer's chair.

Yup. It's a typo. You passed a stack pointer to a scope that outlives the caller. That class of issue is not on trial here. There's DIP1000, and all sorts of things to try and improve safety in terms of lifetimes.

I'm sorry, I'm not very good at writing "real" examples for things that don't exist or don't compile. End of sarcasm.

Let's come back to DIP1000 when it's actually implemented in it's entirety, ok? Anyway, you're nitpicking while actually missing the point altogether. The way `shared` is "implemented" today, the API (`thread` function) *requires* the caller to pass a `shared int*`. Implicit conversion breaks that contract.

At the highest level, the only reason for taking a `shared` argument is to pass that argument to another thread. That is the *only* way to communicate that intent via the type system for the time being. You're suggesting to ignore that fact. `shared` was supposed to protect from unshared aliasing, not silently allow it. If you allow implicit conversion, there would literally be no way of knowing whether some API will access your data concurrently, other than plain old documentation (or sifting through it's code, which may not be available). This makes `shared` useless as a type qualifier.

You only managed to contrive this by spawning a thread. If it were just a normal function, this would be perfectly legitimate, and again, that's my whole point.

I think you will agree that passing a pointer to a thread-local variable to another thread is not always a safe thing to do. Conditions do apply, which are on you (the programmer) to uphold, and the compiler can't help you with that. The only way the compiler *can* help you here is make sure you don't do that unintentionally. Which it won't be able to do if you allow such implicit conversion.

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