On Thursday, 18 October 2018 at 13:09:10 UTC, Simen Kjærås wrote:

Well, sorta. But that's not a problem, because you can't do anything that's not threadsafe to something that's shared.

Yes you can. You silently agree to another function's assumption that you pass shared data, while actually passing thread-local data and keeping treating it as thread-local. I.e. you silently agree to a race.

No, you don't. If I give you a locked box with no obvious way to open it, I can expect you not to open it.

You contradict yourself and don't even notice it. Per your rules, the way to open that locked box is have shared methods that access data via casting. Also per your rules, there is absolutely no way for the programmer to control whether they're actually sharing the data. Therefore, some API can steal a shared reference without your approval, use that with your "safe" shared methods, while you're continuing to threat your data as not shared.

It's the same thing. If you have a shared(T), and it doesn't define a thread-safe interface, you can do nothing with it. If you are somehow able to cause a race with something with which you can do nothing, please tell me how, because I'm pretty sure that implies the very laws of logic are invalid.

You and Manu both seem to think that methods allow you to "define a thread-safe interface".

struct S {
    void foo() shared;

Per your rules, S.foo is thread-safe. It is here that I remind you, *again*, what S.foo actually looks like, given made-up easy-to-read mangling:

void struct_S_foo(ref shared S);

And yet, for some reason, you think that these are not thread-safe:

void foo(shared int*);
void bar(ref shared int);

I mean, how does that logic even work with you?

Per your rules, there would be *nothing* in the language to prevent calling S.foo with an unshared Other.

That's true. And you can't do anything to it, so that's fine.

Yes you can do "anything" to it.

No, you can't. You can do thread-safe things to it. That's nothing, *unless* Other defines a shared (thread-safe) interface, in which case it's safe, and everything is fine.


struct Other {
    private Data payload;

    // shared function. Thread-safe, can be called from a
    // shared object, or from an unshared object.
    void twiddle() shared { payload.doSharedStuff(); }

    // unshared function. Cannot be called from a shared object.
    // Promises not to interfere with shared data, or to so only
    // in thread-safe ways (by calling thread-safe methods, or
    // by taking a mutex or equivalent).
    void twaddle() { payload.doSharedThings(); }

    // Bad function. Promises not to interfere with shared data,
    // but does so anyway.
    // Give the programmer a stern talking-to.
    void twank() {

struct S {
   void foo(shared Other* o) shared {
// No can do - can't call non-shared functions on shared object.
       // o.twaddle();

       // Can do - twiddle is always safe to call.

That's already wrong starting at line 2. It should be:

struct Other {
private shared Data payload; // shared, there's no question about it

    // shared function. Thread-safe, can be called from a
    // shared object, or from an unshared object.
    void twiddle() shared { payload.doSharedStuff(); }

    // unshared function. Cannot be called from a shared object.
    // Promises not to interfere with shared data, or to so only
    // in thread-safe ways (by calling thread-safe methods, or
    // by taking a mutex or equivalent).
    void twaddle() {
        // fine so long as there's a
        // 'auto doSharedThings(ref shared Data)'
        // or an equivalent method for Data.
        // Otherwise it just wouldn't compile, as it should.

// No longer a bad function, because it doesn't compile, and the
    // programmer can do their own auto-spanking.
    void twank() {
payload.fuckWith(); // Error: cannot fuckWith() 'shared Data'

struct S {
   void foo(shared Other* o) shared {
// No can do - can't call non-shared functions on shared object.
       // o.twaddle();
       // ^Yep, agreed

       // Can do - twiddle is always safe to call.

Well, that was easy, wasn't it?

Your implementation of 'twaddle' is *unsafe*, because the compiler doesn't know that 'payload' is shared. For example, when inlining, it may reorder the calls in it and cause races or other UB. At least one of the reasons behind `shared` *was* to serve as compiler barrier. What I don't see in your example is where it would be necessary to cast mutable to shared, let alone auto-cast it. And that's the heart of this discussion.

If you just do this:

auto other = new /*shared*/ Other;

...then at the moment, per current rules, you can either twiddle or twaddle (depending on whether you remove the comment or not), but not both, despite being a sole owner of 'Other'. This is the only place where I can see *some small* value in automatic conversion. But I'd much rather have a language that strictly forbids me to do nasty things than provides small conveniences in corner cases.

If you couldn't, you wouldn't be able to implement `shared` at all. Forbidding reads and writes isn't enough to guarantee that you "can't do anything with it".

Alright, so I have this shared object that I can't read from, and can't write to. It has no public shared members. What can I do with it? I can pass it to other guys, who also can't do anything with it. Are there other options?

It can have any number of public shared "members" per UFCS. The fact that you forget is that there's no difference between a method and a free function, other than syntax sugar. Well, OK, there's guaranteed private access for methods, but same is true for module members.

The rest just follows naturally.

Nothing follows naturally. The proposal doesn't talk at all about the fact that you can't have "methods" on primitives,

You can't have thread-safe methods operating directly on primitives, because they already present a non-thread-safe interface. This is true. This follows naturally from the rules.

Everything in D already presents a non-threadsafe interface. Things that you advocate included.

struct S {
    void foo() shared;

That is not threadsafe. This *sort of* is:

struct S {
    @disable this(this);
    @disable void opAssign(S);

    void foo() shared;

...except not quite still. Now, if the compiler generated above in the presence of any `shared` members or methods, then we could begin talking about it being threadsafe. But that part is mysteriously missing from Manu's proposal, even though I keep reminding of this in what feels like every third post or so (I'm probably grossly exaggerating).

that you can't distinguish between shared and unshared data if that proposal is realized,

And you can't do that currently either. Just like today, shared(T) means the T may or may not be shared with other thread. Nothing more, nothing less.

I don't think it means what you think it means. "May or may not be shared with other thread" means "you MUST treat it as if it's shared with other thread". That's it. That's why automatic conversion doesn't make *any* sense, and that's why compiler error on attempting to pass over mutable as shared makes *perfect* sense.

that you absolutely destroy D's TLS-by-default treatment...
I'm unsure what you mean by this.

You lose the ability to distinguish thread-local and shared data.

There's actually one more thing: The one and only thing you can do (without unsafe casting) with a shared object, is call shared methods and free functions on it.

Functions that you must not be allowed to write per this same proposal. How quaint.

What? Which functions can't I write?

// Safe, regular function operating on shared data.
void foo(shared(Other)* o) {
    o.twiddle(); // Works great!
// Unsafe function. Should belong somewhere deep in druntime
// and only be used by certified wizards.
void bar(shared(int)* i) {

Uh-huh, only due to some weird convention that "methods" are somehow safer than free functions. Which they're not.

1. Primitive types can't be explicitly `shared`.

Sure they can, they just can't present a thread-safe interface, so you can't do anything with a shared(int).

Ergo... you can't have functions taking pointers to shared primitives. Ergo, `shared <primitive type>` becomes a useless language construct.

Yup, this is correct. But wrap it in a struct, like e.g. Atomic!int, and everything's hunky-dory.

So again,

void atomicInc(shared int*); // is "not safe", but
void struct_Atomic_int_opUnary_plus_plus(ref shared Atomic); // is "safe"

just because latter is a "method". And that, by you, is hunky-dory? Whether it's a method or a free function, it's written to work on *shared* data. Of course it wouldn't be safe if you allow any non-shared data to become shared without the programmer having a say in this.

I have no idea where I or Manu have said you can't make functions that take shared(T)*.

Because you keep saying they're unsafe and that you should wrap them up in a struct for no other reason than just "because methods are kosher".

I sort of expected that answer. No, nothing is implicitly const. When you pass a reference to a function taking const, *you keep mutable reference*, the function agrees to that, and it's only "promise" is to not modify data through the reference you gave it. But *you still keep mutable reference*. Just as you would keep *unshared mutable* reference if implicit conversion from mutable to shared existed.

Yup, and that's perfectly fine, because 'shared' means 'thread-safe'. I think Manu might have mentioned that once.

If a type presents both a shared and a non-shared interface, and the non-shared interface may do things that impact the shared part, these things must be done in a thread-safe manner. If that's not the case, you have a bug. The onus is on the creator of a type to do this.

Yes, that part is perfectly fine with me.

Let's say it together: for a type to be thread-safe, all of its public members must be written in a thread-safe way.

It's shared private parts also must be written in a thread-safe way. Yes, they're private, but they still may be shared. Welcome to the communism of multithreading.

If a non-shared method may jeopardize this, the type is not thread-safe, and shouldn't provide a shared interface.

It can't jeopardize anything so long as you actually treat your shared data accordingly, and don't just magically assume unshared parts to be shared for some reason.

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