On Thursday, 18 October 2018 at 19:51:17 UTC, Erik van Velzen wrote:
On Thursday, 18 October 2018 at 19:26:39 UTC, Stanislav Blinov

Manu said clearly that the receiving thread won't be able to read or write the pointer.

Yes it will, by casting `shared` away. *Just like* his proposed "wrap everything into" struct will. There's exactly no difference.

Casting is inherently unsafe. Or at least, there's no threadsafe guarantee.

So? That's the only way to implement required low-level access, especially if we imagine that the part of Manu's proposal about disabling reads and writes on `shared` values is a given. It's the only way to implement Manu's Atomic!int, or at least operation it requires, for example.

You can still disagree on the merits, but so far it has been demonstrated as a sound idea.

No, it hasn't been.

I think you are missing the wider point. I can write thread-unsafe code *right now*, no casts required. Just put shared at the declaration. The proposal would actually give some guarantees.

No, I think you are missing the wider point. You can write thread-unsafe code regardless of using `shared`, and regardless of it's implementation details. Allowing *implicit automatic promotion* of *mutable thread-local* data to shared will allow you to write even more thread-unsafe code, not less.

The solid part of the proposal is about disabling reads and writes. The rest is pure convention: write structs instead of functions, and somehow (???) benefit from a totally unsafe implicit cast.

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