On 07/10/2012 11:51 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 23:25:41 monarch_dodra wrote:
And more generally, how would code like this _ever_ work?

Array!int arr
foreach(ref a; arr)
a += 5;

Since there is no mechanism to pass the "op" to "front"?

I believe that according to TDPL, if you use ref in a foreach with a range,
and range.front = value isn't legal, then you should get a compilation error.
Whether a += value works depends on whether range.front += value works, and at
present, that's pretty much only going to work with ranges whose front returns
by ref, since property syntax isn't currently sophisticated enough to combine
the getter and setter properties to make stuff like front++ or front += 5

- Jonathan M Davis

That is a bug. @property has very limited value if pairs of @property
functions are accessed in a way syntactically distinguishable from
field access.

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