On 9/6/2005 8:10:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Buddy,
> I am not suggesting that we give up on Clover but I would bet that most
> of the Olivia users are not using CLO, the only reason to suggest using
> CLO as the electronic acceptable ADIF mode when QSLing a Olivia QSO is
> to use an acceptable ADIF mode, why can't both users for electronic logs
> use the CLO as the mode.  Then the electronic services such as LOTW and
> E-QSL would get matches for Olivia operations just like we get for a
> Clover QSO now.
I just think it could be confusing, thats all.   And you'd probably win that bet about more hams using Olivia than Clover, at least for the present time.   Most digital hams now have not been at it that long and most, if not almost all, use the soundcard modes.   When Clover first appeared it was quite popular at first, but then Ray Petit (the inventor/author of Clover) died rather suddenly and only a few software programs continued to support Clover.  
Although I also enjoy soundcard modes, I have not tried Olivia yet.   I downloaded the MultiPSK program but didnt like it or use it, and I am not going to pay for it  just to get one more mode.   If MixW ever incorporates it into their program, I'd like to give it a try.  Whether or not Olivia stays around, I agree that it needs a specific designator for uploaded to LOTW or eQSL. 
I also have the DX4WIN program and I guess you are aware that for any digital mode, except PSK, you have to log as RTTY and then in the "notes for this QSO" area, enter the mode as Olivia, MT-63, or whatever. 
I think using RTTY and then notating Olivia or whatever makes more sense than logging Olivia under CLO, MFSK or MT63.  
73 Buddy

> The problem right now is that the ADIF approved modes have not keep pace
> with the developers of software.  There is a proposed sub-mode ADIF list
> which adds several new modes to the acceptable list but Olivia is not
> one of them.
> My Logging software can be modified to accept any mode with automatic
> logging but the minute I up load the log book to a services thats when I
> run into problems.
> If all of us who frequent Olivia use the same logged mode then we can

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