Contact Ted N2ISQ in Bradford.  I think he has a Rigblaster USB device
for sale, not sure if it will do CW though.

On 12/30/06, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Would anyone have a CW keying interface they would be willing to sell?
> I'd like to be able to send CW from my PC to my IC-746 (non-Pro). I
> have a RIGblaster already hooked up, but that's no good for CW. I'm
> not too concerned with copying CW on the PC, just sending. Had
> shoulder surgery and can't use that arm for paddles for quite a while.
> First choice would be one triggered from a USB port if such a beast
> exists, but I could free up one of the serial ports. Don't have a lot
> to spend, and can't build my own, so I'm hoping someone has one that
> they no longer use and would like to sell.
> Thanks & 73
> Dave

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