That's my one pet peeve about Linux.  You go looking for a program to
do what you want and find out it is two years old and requires
libraries that have been updated 4 times since then.  Sometimes trying
to find the older libraries is a real challenge.  I would love it if
everyone would store the libraries and programs necessary to install a
program right with the program.


--- In, "DuBose Walt Civ AETC CONS/LGCA"
> IMHO, hams have not said we want "this" distro to support ham radio
so we adopt it.
> SuSe, Mandrake, Debian and a couple of others cater to amateur
radio.   My personal leaning is toward Debian and it WAS the first
Linux distro. to try and devote itself to being ham radio friendly.
> The real key to a ham radio applications for Linus is to include all
the required libraries (dependencies) with the release of the
installation and install the executable and  with all dependencies in
a specific location.  So then you are back to MS...C:\Program Files\PSK31
> But my Linux computer is shared by my family and I don't want them
to have access to PSK31 so I want to put it in 
> my \USR2\k5yfw\digital\psk3 and You might want to put it in
> What Linux does for one think is make you think about what you are
doing and keep you from becoming an appliance operator?  How many hams
really know how to program their 2M talkie?
> 73,
> Walt/K5YFW

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