I haven't yet figured out what the supposed incompatibility between versions 
is all about.  For most packages I've run, it's either compile straight from
source and install, or do a search and find pre-built binaries that'll run
on my system (Fedora 3).  The only thing I've had problems with so far is
fldigi -- simply because I've never built anything with the fl libraries
before.  Being on a dial-up, it may take me a while to find time to
get the libraries and build it up, but it's a matter of download time,
not trying to find the libraries.

Between freshrpms, freshmeat, rpmfind and google searches, I've never been
unsuccessful in finding libraries.

"All those varieties" aren't really all that different from each other.

- ps

John Bradley wrote:
> I rest my case: walt talks about all these different varieties of linux, 
> RedHat,Mandrake,SuSe, puppy linux and Debian, 
> all in one sentence. I take it these OS are not compatible with each other. 
> How the heck can u figure out what runws best with which?
> John

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