>I agree for spots, but to save confusion DIAL position is used in 
>this listing.

Sorry, but I think listing DIAL frequencies is TREMENDOUSLY confusing.

The calling frequencies aren't dependent on where a rig's DIAL is set,
they're defined by where one transmits.  So, if one set their DIAL to
18102.00 and use an audio offset of 1K, or 18101.80 and use an audio
offset of 1.2K or 18101.00 and use an audio offset of 2K that's up to
the operator and their radio.

In either case, the calling frequency is 18103.00 -- Can't we please
just list it that way?

When I'm in MixW, I don't carefully set my rig's dial frequency and
compute a transmit offset -- I merely select a band, tune the rig around
a bit (usually with the mouse wheel), and ensure that my intended
transmit frequency falls somewhere within the linear region of my rig's
passband.  I don't care if that's 800Hz, 1K, 1.2K or 1.5K into the

The calling frequency is a specific frequency.  If we just list it that
way and there should be no confusion.

de Peter K1PGV

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