I don't care either. I don't use PSK myself. the only reason I bring 
it up it that the PropNet station broadcast a beacon so many times
an hour. I just don't want to see a load of whining and crying when
someone gets QRM by one oh the propnet station like they did
over the pactor station.

At 05:22 PM 2/14/2007, you wrote:
>Most of us simply can not possibly know or even care about any 
>particular use of any particular frequency as long as we are properly 
>operating within our subband and mode. The one exception might be the 
>area of automatic operation around the 14.100 beacons and maybe others 
>in the world wide ITU beacon system.
>There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of frequencies that various 
>groups use as spot frequencies. They are only available to them if not 
>being used by someone else at the time.
>Rick, KV9U

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