Kids do seem to like CW.  I have taught two 3rd grade classes as part of 
a unit on the physics of sound and am about to do a third.  Every kid 
was interested, therewere a few kids in each class who were 
On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 1:11 pm, Les Warriner wrote:
> The United States was the LAST country of the world requiring it for 
> testing.  Now there is NO country requiring it.  Does that not say 
> something?  It's fun, it's great, it has some definite uses but so does 
> RTTY. Should that be required too?  I teach it to my kids in school.  
> They drive teachers bonkers with it.  They will never cease using it.  
> But they also use many other digital modes. 
> 73
> Les
> At 12:42 PM 2/19/2007, you wrote:
>> Charlie,
>> No reasonable person can deny that the FCC no longer considers CW a
>> necessary skill for radio amateurs to have. At one time it was 
>> something
>> of significance, now it is not. At one time, CW skills were something
>> the government wanted maintained within a subset of the population
>> because it might be needed during wartime. This is no longer true since
>> even the military (with a few exceptions) no longer uses CW.
>> CW was only a necessary skill on amateur frequencies during the 
>> earliest
>> days. Once voice modes, and much later, RTTY modes, became common, CW
>> was no longer a necessary skill for ham radio. For many hams, CW was
>> abandoned for the remainder of their operating years. The percentage of
>> radio amateurs who operate CW for at least part of their operating
>> time, has been decreasing drastically and will likely continue to
>> decrease, but this is something left up to each individual to decide.
>> If you listen to the ham bands today, compared to a few decades ago, it
>> would be obvious that there are many fewer operators sending CW.
>> BPL issues just go to show you how incorrect bureaucrats can be when it
>> comes to new technology. Just because something is new, does not
>> necessarily make it useful or even desirable.
>> 73,
>> Rick, KV9U
>> Charlie Wilber wrote:
>>> "KV9U" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> "Clearly, the FCC no longer considers CW a necessary skill. No
>>> reasonable person can deny that."
>>> ==========
>>> No "reasonable person" can deny what? That CW is no longer a necessary
>>> skill or that the FCC no longer considers it to be so? If you meant
>>> the former, your arrogant generalization is unfortunate and incorrect.
>>> If the latter, we need only remember that the FCC also considers BPL
>>> to be a benign technology that has no effect on amateur radio to
>>> understand the error of that statement. Any reasonable person will
>>> understand that.
>>> Charlie Wilber
>>> N1AOK

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