
Was that regenerative repeater in the Chicago area?

I remember someone used to send text "pictures" on one night.  I have
one left that I sent to my father, it was a semi-truck and the title
was "Keep On Trucking".  But the paper is getting brittle and falling
apart.  Had a Teletype Model 15 and a TU I built from RTTY Journal,
was before the "ST-600" or "Mainliner", all tubes. I lived in North
Riverside, IL and had to get a eight elemet beam, aimed it west to get
good quieting on the receiver.

Jerry  -  K0HZI

On 2/25/07, KV9U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This was something we did in the early 1980's prior to packet radio.
> Even my  homebrew TU worked well on VHF RTTY compared with its dismal
> performance on HF. We had an active contingent of local hams who used
> RTTY on meters. In fact, they even built and maintained a regenerative
> RTTY repeater which made it possible for hams over a 50 or more mile
> radius to use VHF RTTY. Some had autostart so it was possible to send
> messages to print and hold on their system.
> Then packet came in like a roller coaster. In a matter of a few months,
> the useage of the RTTY repeater went almost to zero. The RTTY owners
> decided that they would run the repeater for "a long time." Two weeks
> later they shut it off. Then it was quite a sea change as most active
> hams had a packet station always on for e-mail. Today, all we have left
> is the internet since almost all interconnecting links, BBS's, are gone.
> Another sea change, although the complete opposite of the one in the
> 1980's when for a short time VHF digital was one of the most active
> modes for radio amateurs.
> I had hoped to get some interest going with VHF digital, but have pretty
> much given up as there just are not any hams in my area willing to do
> this. Out of 150 hams in our area, you would be hard pressed to find
> more than two or three who really have much interest in digital other
> than perhaps contesting with RTTY.
> With more hams likely moving toward HF, it may be possible to find some
> locals trying that out, but in rural areas like I live, it is just not
> that common.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U

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