Hello Andy and all,

I don't think NR must be a so good idea for digimodes. Because, it can be seen 
as non-linear filter.
In that type of filter, the next sample is calculated, knowing the previous 
symbols and guessing what is the most probable symbol if nothing change (a sort 
of "no more set of information" condition)...

You are surely going to produce interference between symbols: the decoding will 
be not so good and the necessary synchronization will be more difficult because 
the difference between one symbol and the following will be reduced (i.e the 
difference between two successive symbols will be softened). 

But it would be interesting to experiment on calibrated signals and different 
speeds (from the PSKAM10 to ALE or PSK220F).


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Andrew O'Brien 
  To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 4:01 AM
  Subject: [digitalradio] Noise Reduction and the digital modes

  Noise reduction on my old rig never did much. Now I have a new rig
  the NR buttons actually appear to do some things. What about noise
  reduction and the digital modes, is it really helpful? I did just
  notice that with a Hell QSO NR made the print more blurred. For other
  modes I have not noticed much other than a lot less "speckles" in the
  waterfall. Maybe a graphically empty waterfall helps when a weak
  signal comes along but i worry the weak signal may get zapped by the
  NR. Comments ?

  Andy K3UK
  Skype Me : callto://andyobrien73


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