Howard Brown wrote:
> Hello Les and Group,
> I exchanged emails with Dmitry, built a clean Windows system and
> installed version 0.492.  Now I can connect, chat and exchange files
> with the other station OK.
> How about the email features?  Does anyone know how that is intended
> to work?  Do you just put messages in the Mailbox in the form of files
> and exchange them?  
> So far this program is VERY fast on file transfers and provides
> perfect copy of files exchanged.  I don't know how it really compares
> with Pactor3 but it sure is a lot cheaper.  Too bad it is not legal in
> US ham bands.
> Comments?
> Howard K5HB
Hi Howard
Glad to hear that you have RFSM2400 working - and yes it is quite fast
on file transfers
Below some figures for the 40m band during daylight but with reasonably
heavy storm QRN over distance of 400 klm band condx not so good at that 
distance either

> Abonent 'VK2JN' accept FTP-requests. - 6/03/2007 - 2:25:49 PM
> Abonent 'VK2JN' accept MAIL-requests. - 6/03/2007 - 2:25:49 PM
> Receiving file 'ATT00020.jpg', size 35064 bytes, from 'VK2JN'... - 6/03/2007 
> - 2:26:24 PM
> File 'ATT00020.jpg' received succesfully, all time 183 sec, average speed 
> 1526 
> bits/sec - 6/03/2007 - 2:29:44 PM
> Receiving file 'ATT00023.jpg', size 39781 bytes, from 'VK2JN'... - 6/03/2007 
> - 2:30:41 PM
> File 'ATT00023.jpg' received succesfully, all time 180 sec, average speed 
> 1759 
> bits/sec - 6/03/2007 - 2:33:58 PM
> Receiving file 'ATT00029.jpg', size 15638 bytes, from 'VK2JN'... - 6/03/2007 
> - 2:35:46 PM
> File 'ATT00029.jpg' received succesfully, all time 103 sec, average speed 
> 1203 
> bits/sec - 6/03/2007 - 2:37:48 PM
> Receiving file 'ATT00032.jpg', size 38370 bytes, from 'VK2JN'... - 6/03/2007 
> - 2:38:06 PM
> File 'ATT00032.jpg' received succesfully, all time 205 sec, average speed 
> 1491 
> bits/sec - 6/03/2007 - 2:41:51 PM
BTW I have seen much faster transfers than the above on very quiet bands

Regarding the Mailbox -This is how I figure it works - When you connect 
to a station the programme at some stage will create a subfolder in the 
MAILBOX  folder in your programme for that particular station  -  You 
can then put any type of file  in that folder  for that particular 
station - he can then pick up those messages from his Mailbox on your 
system when he next connects OR you can connect to the station and send 
them yourself to his DOWNLOAD directory

Seems to me to be quite a good system

Regarding your comments about not being legal - Yes a bit of a puzzle as 
it is doing no different to Pactor 3 as far as I can see - transferring 
files on HF - hihi
Regards Les

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