Hi Andy,

I just did a Google search and found a plethora of links for the
mode.  I went on the link below and found it to be really a good
info source, very interesting:


It still discusses 6M and up but YIKES!  A single beam and
100 - 400 watts, pointed to the horizon for EME?  Times have
indeed changed.

The only HF info/activity is appearing in this forum's threads.
I'm intrigued by the implications for sure.

Howard W6IDS
Richmond, IN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Andrew O'Brien
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] JT65A Protocol


JT65A is the submode for HF use.  The same protocol is used since the 
software is the same. One station calls on the "first minute" (00,02,04,06, 
etc) and the other on the second (01, 03, etc).

There is a convention that the most western station calls first when their 
is a scheduled "QSO"  but I do not always see that followed.

If you listen , and hear a signal CQing, note their sequence (first or 
second minute) and set up the software to respond accordingly.  If they are 
CQing  the first minute, you will be second minute and thus would check the 
auto box and  not have 1st TX box checked.

Andy K3UK

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