Here is more information about Ham involvement with the Greensburg
tornado, just received from KAR.


Orlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 08:50:42 -0500
Subject: KAR Tornado Special
To: Orlan Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

               "KAR" Tornado Special
                                        Kansas Amateur Radio
                               Serving our communities via Amateur Radio
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  May 2007 Issue
                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tuesday, May 08, 2007 1:20 AM

  I know some of this will be old news, but the latest update from
Alpha 1 (AMCOM II ) and what we have know:
  On Saturday  (May 5) we shipped out (8) 800 MHz trucked radios,
chargers, batteries and 1 of our van repeaters
  for conventional operations, for the Greensburg tornado damage.
This is up and running in Greensburg, we think?
  As of 2200 local time (May 7)  the state Kansas  State COW trailer
was not up and running and was supposed to
  happen tonight.  Out of Topeka they have sent 4 Topeka Police
officers with the Command Post and Topeka Fire
  rescue 11 went out with 6 personnel (on Sunday). Topeka Fire Car 2
along with car 152 also went with a camper
  ahead of Rescue 11.   We have been in contact when we can, as cell
coverage is NOT there, if they need any
  communications support they are supposed to let us know either thru
dispatch or direct.  Chief Stebentz, from
  Topeka Fire, has advised this will be a long term event and may be
requesting AMCOM to support them. FEMA
  is there is providing high speed internet which should allow for
e-mail. Of the 12 MTS 2000 catch portables on
  AMCOM 2 - 8 have gone to Greensburg with the Command Trailer with
our spare batteries, 4 portables have been
  given to TFD with spare batteries for the Topeka flooding.  If
needed KDOT can re-program all cache portables as
  needed in Greensburg, ( understand most traffic is on Mutual aid TAC
2 800 MHz)  If needed, Stan can reprogram
  when they come back into town.   This is learning curve since we
just got the 800 MHz portables.

  Since the Greenburg event, Topeka and surrounding areas has
experienced a lot of flooding.  We were put into a
  possible "stand -by" mode for the possible evacuation of Rossville.
Do to the flooding there has been a local shelter
  set-up at the Kansas EXPO center.  At this time they are not
requesting Amateur radio support for shelter operations.
  We were able to conduct all traffic from  a stand by site.  As per
request,  we were on standby with AMCOM 2.

  On Sunday May 6 were in contact with our local National Weather
Service for creek and river levels and relay these
  information when requested.

  We have been in contact with the  IC in Greensburg and informed all
is  "OK".  We are also in a "Stand By" or
  "hold" method for Greensburg, unless notified different.

  Note our portable tower unit is under construction along with it's
tow truck and can't be deployed (fall date at
  best depending on funding).

  Cindy Watson NØYUR
  Assistant Emergency Coordinator  Alpha 1
  Amateur Radio Emergency Service

  Date: Mon, 07 May 2007 20:30:41 -0500

  I was on site with in 45 min after it hit. Checked out 5 farm homes
south of Greensburg on Hwy 132 and got people
  out of those homes, and reported a 24" nat gas line which was open
15 mile south of town.  Reported to Ford
  Counrty Com center (they run the west side of town) they did not
need ham radio by wanted me to work SAR and
  with Ford county com center, We also checked on the fire dept radio system.

   I did so until 8AM when everyone was ask to leave and the KS Nat
Guard made it to town I wend back with our
  local Fire Dept.  I was on 147.18 (Alva Ok rept) and had a CERT team
from Alva OK standing by (W5ALZ Mike,
  and my XYL N0UO). Also worked with Jim Wb0oao on 444.125 and Bob
WG0Q come on and passed Hourly
  reports to Bob WG0Q until 8AM Sat.   WBØOAO relayed on 3920 At
7:30am also,  I only had a 20 meter whip
  but they could hear me.    Also KC0YOY, Kyle from the Kiowa Fire
dept and I work together 3-6am moving
  people onto busses

  Steve Walz  K0UO  EC - Echo 5

    1900 CST, 7 May 2007

  HF has been up and running since Friday night on 3920 but Jim had no
traffic to pass.
  HF station on site now with our operators in Haviland ,W0IE, KB0FJI, KB0ZFM
  SATERN operator WB0VLB should be in Haviland tonite with HF also
  Just passed first H&W thru KS SSB net by WA0AZA, Robert in St. John,
KS on 3920 kHz.

    Bob, WG0Q


  Update:  1810 CST, 7 May 2007  ARES Dist 5

  Station up and running at Haviland on 444.125, operator on site that
we dispatched.  Have made contact with
  Salvation Army Command in Greensburg.  Two ham operators there that
we dispatched Will stage tomorrow's
  ops out of the Barklay College Gym in Haviland at 0800 CST. (N. Main
St) Will have 6 operators and 3 relief
  operators on station tomorrow am.

  Will meet with VOAD at 1000 CST tomorrow in Haviland.  Will need
additional volunteers from Wed thru Sunday
  this week, rotating 6 in and six out over 24-48 hr period.


  Bob, WG0Q

  Orlan and others.....
  I just talked with Dee Smith and she feels we will need coverage
through Sunday.  I believe I have utilized all my
  SATERN members at this time... so we are now depending upon Robert
to supply ARES members.

  At this time Robert Haneke has done a GREAT JOB securing enough
operators to cover Tuesday and I believe
  Wednesday.   We will HOLD on a request for more help and let ROBERT
HANEKE advise if he needs anyone else --
  and when we will need someone.

  I found it is best to assess the need every evening ... so tomorrow
evening we will talk with Dee again and make
  sure we still need every position covered for Wednesday.  Anyone
interested in planning and knowing the needs
  for TSArmy should monitor our daily SATERN emergency net on 3.920
being held at 9am-3pm-9pm every day
  until further notice.

  Thanks for your help!
    June Jeffers  KBØWEQ
KS & Western MO Division S.A.T.E.R.N. Coordinator
Home:  913-856-8674
Email reply:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Listen to the Kansas Emergency Frequencie on 3920 kHz.
    Weather net at 6PM.
  Kansas Sideband net at 6:30 PM
  Kansas CW traffic net on 3547 kHz at 7 and 10 PM
  Check the Kansas Section News page on the ARRL server for the latest
from your SM. >>>

  Orlan w0oyh - KAR ed

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