Hi from Les VK2DSG
You will not make any friends using wide RFSM   transmissions
down at 7030 to 7040 or even anywhere below 7100 even though
the bandplan says transmissions up to 2khz may be used

7040 to 7100 is the prime operating area for ssb DX and local
ragchew operations
I would suggest that using frequencies as described below
would be more suitable - currently in VK  we use 7183lsb for
Hampal  (DRM) Repeater operations and also 7196 usb for
  both RFSM 2400 and DRM picture and file transfer

The New Suggested Australian bandplan for 40m band is as follows

New Draft Australian 40M Band Plan

The WIA has developed a new draft band plan for the 40m (7 MHz) amateur 

The new plan is designed to

     * encourage activity above 7100 kHz;
     * stimulate experimentation in wideband digital modes; and
     * integrate, as far as is possible, with the IARU region 3 plan, 
and the plans of other countries.

No existing nets will be affected by the plan.

The underpinning philosophy of the plan is to define band usage in terms 
of necessary bandwidth, rather than by mode. However, it is recognised 
that some modes are incompatible, such as analogue voice and data. 
Accordingly, these modes are each assigned their own sections in the plan.

Features of the new plan include:

     * A new broadcast segment from 7130-7150 kHz. This will provide a 
defined area for weekly broadcasts.

     * A new wideband data modes segment from 7180-7250 kHz, which is 
further sub divided into unattended/automated and attended segments. The 
subdivision serves to prevent interference between automated and 
non-automated stations.

     * Redefinition of the CW segment (7-7030 kHz) to a narrow band 
modes segment with a maximum necessary bandwidth of 200 Hz. This means, 
in effect, that the previously exclusive CW segment will be shared with 
PSK31 and other very narrow band data modes.

The change to the previously exclusive CW segment is in accordance with 
evolving international practice. It is worth noting that the ZL 40m band 
plan has had a CW/PSK sharing arrangement in place for some time. 
Moreover, CW/PSK sharing is proposed under the new US 40m band plan.

The new draft 40m band plan is detailed as follows:



7000-7030  Very narrow band modes (maximum necessary b/w 200 Hz)

7030-7040  Narrow band digital (maximum necessary b/w 2 kHz)

7040-7180  Analogue telephony (maximum necessary b/w 8 kHz as per the LCD)

7130-7150  Broadcast sub-segment

7180-7190  Wideband digital, unattended (maximum necessary b/w 8 kHz as 
per the LCD)

7190-7250  Wideband digital (maximum necessary b/w 8 kHz as per the LCD)

7250-7300  Analogue telephony (maximum necessary b/w 8 kHz as per the LCD)

Obviously, the current levels of broadcast station interference above 
7100 kHz will mean that some degree of flexibility is required in use of 
the new band plan.
The plan is designed to be fully implemented once 7100-7200 kHz reverts 
to amateur primary use in 2009.
The plan is open for comment for the next four months. The comment 
period closes on April 30, 2006.

Please send any comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Regards Les VK2DSG

Hi Ralph,

5MHz is still out of bounds here. WICEN have some commercial frequencies 
can only be used with type approved equipment and ham calls are banned.

I tend to stick to 40m+ because I use a buddipole antenna, and don't 
have the
80m coil for it.

There is a common-ish data frequency on 7035, so narrow modes could go 
Not too sure on the full width modes, but someone else might be able to 
a suggestion for region 3. The VK & ZL band plans have 7030-7040 as Digi 
than 6kHz BW), but I think that is a little crowded.

7080-7100 is used for RTTY, so I'm hoping there is some room for other modes
too. Staying under 7100 would allow Japan and other R3 countries that don't
have 7100-7300 to play as well.

How about 7082 USB for RFSM2400 and 7085 for DominoEX? I might have an
opportunity to play on Monday (day off). Feel free to contact me off list to
arrange something (best replace 'bulk' with 'dave' on my email address).

If anyone disagrees with the frequencies nominated, please shout. Bands 
in VK
and ZL are reasonably quiet, so if this is going to jump on top of something
else I'd like to know.

David Ingram (VK4TDI)
Real email: dave at ingramtech dot com
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
MGRS: 56J MQ 991583    Grid Square: QG62lm

zl1tbg wrote:
 > Dave, 3580 usb is what I would normally use. Also the digital modes
 > guys gather at 3560 friday evenings there will be dominoEX there.
 > Most of my testing has been on the AREC 5 mHz as we have a clear
 > channel there and its the area where most emergency traffic will be.
 > i havent thought of a 40m freq. if you have a suitable spot let me
 > know. I'm starting a 4 day weekend now so could be around.

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