Brian A wrote:

>  You are totally WRONG if you truly believe that the other station KHz
>  away is at fault because he captures your AGC when you're using a 3
>  KHz filter. As you point out PSK is only 31 HZ wide. Thus it only
>  seems reasonable to try and copy them with a narrow filter. A filter
>  of 2x to 3x tx bandwidth will capture all of the signal. Note this
>  filter must be within the AGC loop or you must turn the AGC off and
>  use the RF gain control to avoid distortion. External audio filters
>  and may 'DSP' filter rigs are outside of the AGC loop. Get a 200Hz IF
>  filter any you will be pleasantly surprised how many of the so
>  called problems disappear.

Exactly right.  Sometimes I call CQ and at first do not see (or hear) 
anyone coming back to my call.  Then I kick in my cascaded 250hz 
filters, and suddenly there is a readable signal that was not readable 
without the filter due to some strong adjacent signal or other that had 
been de-sensing my receiver's AGC.  Narrow filters are a must for 
effective PSK operations.  Asking everyone to operate QRP so that no 
one's signal is strong is simply absurd; it is not the answer.  What 
about my locals, who run around 50 watts and are still S9+20?  Am I 
supposed to expect them to operate at 1 watt?  Of course not.  Those who 
operate solely with a 3 Khz passband on PSK are going to experience very 
poor operating results and no help for it.

de Roger W6VZV

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