The statements of Riley Hollingsworth and Bill Cross
at Dayton should finally un-muddle the automatic
operations debate.

It is now a closed issue at the FCC - *every* station
*must* prevent QRM of other stations.  Period.  No

We can now report documented patterns of interference
from *inadequately controlled* stations and anticipate
aggressive FCC enforcement.

Meanwhile we can also expect our fellow Hams to make
such FCC enforcement unnecessary - by following the
rules and ceasing from QRM-prone operations which make
*no reasonable effort* to check for a busy frequency.


"We can enforce our rules, but we can't enforce kindness
and courtesy or common sense," Hollingsworth concluded.
"And a very wise person, who happens to be standing to
my left [FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau staffer
Bill Cross, W3TN -- Ed] once told me: 'You can't regulate
stupid.' If we could, we'd be working for the United
Nations instead of the FCC."

In his comments, Cross singled out the controversy that
erupted recently over fears that automatically controlled
digital stations would overwhelm the amateur bands,
eclipsing most other modes. Cross cited ยง97.7 of the rules,
which requires each amateur station to have a control
operator and, in essence, to employ a "listen-before-transmit" protocol."

When a station is under automatic control, regardless of
the transmission mode, Cross explained, the control operator
*need not* be at the control point, *but must* employ station
control devices and procedures while transmitting that *ensure* 
compliance with the FCC rules and does not cause harmful
interference to ongoing communications of other stations.

The operational rule, Cross said, is: *"Your call sign, your 


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
Ham QTH:

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