
It is you who are the offensive one. And you have done this a number of 
times on this group. Reasonable people do not win friends and influence 
people with that approach.

No one with your vitriol should have remained in a leadership position 
with the ARRL Digital HSMM group and I wonder if this was part of the 
reason for its demise? People who are in leadership positions need to 
work toward consensus when they are involved with volunteer work of this 

Using terms such as babbling, telling others they know nothing, knock it 
off, etc., suggest  a disturbing behavior on your part.

If you disagree with someone, why not respond by calmly explaining why 
their view appears to be wrong (to you) instead of attacking them. You 
might find it better for everyone, including yourself.

Rick, KV9U

John Champa wrote:
> Bruce,
> When are you ever going to stop your babling ignorance about
> wide band HSMM on 6-meters?
> You are worried about 100 kHz when the band maybe opens in a few
> years out of a 4,000 kHz wide band.  Get real!  Attach brain to keyboard.
> I am getting very tired of reading about something you know
> absolutely nothing about, as in cognitive radio DSP design.
> Please knock it off, and stick with things you have EXPERIENCED.
> Your comments are much more worthwhile and enjoyable  in that context.
> Thank you,
> John - K8OCL
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: bruce mallon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols
> Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 08:14:08 -0700 (PDT)
> --- Skip Teller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Bruce, the center frequency of my skeleton-slot
>  > design is 144.2 MHz, as it is specifically intended
>  > for SSB operation.
> INTERESTING .... I could not remember the name it's
> been too long but the antenna worked as good as
> stacked 7 elm cushcrafts back in the DAYS OF 2 METER
> AM. MY use of them and the one station here in
> tampabat shows this array is very good as you describe
> in a semi directinal net antenna use with a wide lobe
> which requires less turning.
> Email, cell phone, telephone, and SMS are so
>  > pervasive today, I don't see as great a need for
>  > message relay by radio like we used to do, but hams
>  > can provide a message bridge to a person outside the
>  > disaster zone when nobody else can.
> NOW thoes who are pushing digital need to remember
> many of us USE digital where we find it is a good
> choice. THE BIG PROBLEM WAS THE 100KHZ wide stuff.
> It dosn't take a moon rocket designer to know what
> would have happened when 6 and 2 are open and if we
> are talking NARROW band digital and the ARRL keeps its
> meeting open it will go much better the next time.
> bruce
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