Digital ATS3 - MFSK modes implemented

Hi gang.

I implemented MFSK remote modulation into ATS-3a firmware. I also extended 
PocketDigi to make use of it. The little transceiver in Altoids tin is now able 
to send a lot of digital modes if commanded by PocketDigi, namely:

CW, BPSK31, BPSK63, QPSK31, RTTY, MFSK16, Olivia, Contestia, RTTYM

Additionally it is possible to set frequency from PocketDigi.

Only CW, RTTY and MFSK16 are transmitted according to their definition. BPSK31 
and BPSK63 signals are shaped by CW envelope, not by raised cosine, which makes 
them wider than necessary. Nobody complained yet if I transmit at QRP levels. 
QPSK31 signal shaped by CW envelope is very difficult to decode. Pawel Jalocha 
designed a special envelope for Olivia and modes derived from it - Contestia 
and RTTYM, which shall minimize intersymbol interference. ATS-3 is only able to 
do hard MFSK without shaping. According to my experiments it degrades reception 
only slightly. Although DominoEX or ALE modes are not implemented in PocketDigi 
yet, they both may be modulated on ATS-3 without additional firmware changes.

I tried to cheat Throb/ThrobX decoder by sending the tone pairs not parallel, 
but one after other. It really did not work. MultiPSK only decoded 1 Throb per 
second signal, when it was strong enough. But it was fun anyway.

I tested, how the MFSK decoders in PocketDigi would cope with the narrow ladder 
filter in ATS-3. The filter is wide enough for PSK or RTTY. 250Hz wide MFSK 
modes (MFSK16, Olivia 4/250 and 8/250) work, but tuning is a bit difficult. The 
wider Olivia modes are not readable on ATS3, although the transceiver is able 
to transmit them. One may do cross mode QSOs,  transmit wide MFSK to let the 
other side exploit higher coding gain, but to receive narrow band mode.

One could make the ATS-3a IF filter wider by choosing lower capacities and 
matching its lower impedance. I would like to try tuning the filter by MW 
varicaps like in the Elecraft RIGs. The finals of ATS-3 may be easily blown by 
MFSK modes. The transeiver shall be powered from low voltage to keep output 
power low or some heat sink has to be added, or preferably both.

Elecraft KX1 with its variable IF filter and solid final seems to be a good 
target for digitalization. It is a pitty that Elecraft keeps its firmware 
closed source.

My next step is to simplify the external interface. I plan to substitute the 
Bell 202 demodulator by a simple op amp slicer and to change modulation from 
AFSK to Manchester. I hope to squeeze the interface into the main ATS-3 Altoids 
tin. I am looking forward to do some RTTY QSOs with the upgraded RIG.

73, Vojtech OK1IAK

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