Hi John,

I am a big proponent of developing cross-platform
applications.  That does not seem to be a very
popular approach these days.

If you happen to own a TS-2000 there is a program
here:  http://www.qsl.net/wb5kia/arcs/arcslite.htm
that runs very well under Wine and does very 
well with CAT. It is called ARCS II.

The latest versions of fldigi work well with my
Linux (Ubuntu 6.06) and gMFSK does too.

We need more cross-platform development and
less proprietary work.

Howard K5HB

----- Original Message ----
From: John Lindsay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 6:22:24 AM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] DM780 major update soon.

 > >----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --
 > Since the public release is due out soon, hopefully Simon will be OK
 > in me providing a preview screen shot, check it at
 > http://www.obriensw eb.com/dm780, jpg <http://www.obriensw eb.com/dm780, jpg>
 > This screen shot shows a CW QSO (it was all I could find at 5 in the
 > morning!) Note all the available modes. The window shown is just a
 > small section of DM780, there are many more features and windows that
 > can be opened.
 > >----------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --
 Hi Andy
 I am using TB (Suse 10.2 --Linux). When I click on your link
 above I get hijacked to
 "http://templates. doteasy.com/ ErrorPages/ error404/". The url at the
 bottom of the screen shows 'http://www.obriensw eb.com/dm780. jpg'.
 If I input www.obriensweb. com then I get your homepage and if I type in
 dm780.jpg it shows the jpeg of your log. I don't know if it's a TB
 thing, a Firefox thing or my computer got hijacked as this sometimes
 happens if I input the URL wrong -- very notorious for hitting the key
 next to the one I want -- old age or going too fast in typing (1 finger
 hunt and peck method!!!). Anyway looks like DM780 is going to eventually
 be a super program. Now if he could only get a linux version working
 (never had success in getting wine operational to see if HRD would work
 in linux and wine (wine is a program that will allow windows program to
 run under Linux ).
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