I was not claiming that SCAMP *did* violate; I just had no information.

Given that SCAMP didn't directly link to or modify any GPL code, the
following is slightly off-topic...

By the way, a very good resource for what the GPL *really* does and
does not mean is at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/  . If you see a
contradiction between what I say and information found at that url,
I'm the one in error.

In general, the GPL source distribution clauses trigger on a
"release". This means that, if the project was released (even
limited-distribution), the source must be made available to those
people at the same time.

The free-software world doesn't focus on "finished" products. The
philosophy is that *any* member of the community is free to improve
upon anything, and that useful improvements benefit everyone, no
matter who wrote them. This isn't possible if only "finished" code is

Something with widespread value in the community tends to get
widespread development. A niche project may only see a couple of
developers. If they get bored and quit, the GPL is designed to
preserve their progress for the next generation of
developers/experimenters. After all, just because it didn't do what
*you* needed doesn't mean that someone else won't find it useful.

Note that GPL code isn't free. In exchange for full access to the
community-developed code, you promise that all improvements will be
contributed back to the community on the same terms as you received
> Further, how can you insist a developer do a general release on an
> experimental or research project? This is especially true when the project
> did not reach fruition, i.e. a general release. I have a number of
> half-baked projects on my system. I would hate to have to release them

How can you insist that only "finished" products can benefit others?
If nothing else, learning your "30,000 ways *not* to make a lightbulb"
may save someone else wasted time and effort.  Besides, if they were
not distributed to anyone, the GPL doesn't make you release the code.
The rule is that any binary you distribute must be accompanied by the
source used to make it (if it's just modifications to
already-available code, diffs sufficient to rebuild this binary from
source are acceptable) or an offer to provide the source on request.

If you don't sell or give away *any* copies of the program, you need
not make the source available.

Incidentally, you *can* charge money for the product, however you
cannot add any restrictions beyond those already embodied in the GPL,
so your customer can legally treat it as any other GPL-licensed
product they downloaded: They can give it away, distribute the source,
modify the source (and distribute the modified source), or even *sell*
it (just like you did). It is quite possible to make money with
GPL-based systems, just not by treating the software itself as "secret

Assuming anyone is still reading, I should make clear that I usually
distribute my own code as unrestricted public domain code. This means
that, like any public domain material, you can pretty much do anything
you want with it, you just can't "de-public-domain" it. You can even
re-release it under any license you want (with or without changes to
the code), you just can't claim the original code(or third-party
modifications to it) violates your license or rights.

The bottom line on the GPL: It enshrines others' right to stand on
your shoulders just as you stood on the shoulders of previous giants.

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