
The real thing that gets in my craw about JT65 is the 60 second
continuous transmissions for each QSO segment.  On HF, this could
surely be reduced to 30 seconds or less.  I've yet to have really weak
ones reply that would have needed the long decode period.  I
understand the need for really weak VHF sigs.  

6 or 7 minutes to make a single QSO is excessive on HF. Reducing the
periods to 30 seconds would make QSO length more reasonable and reduce
QRM chances.

73 de Brian/K3KO 

--- In, "Roger J. Buffington"
> expeditionradio wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >  JT65a is certainly an automatic mode. It is as automatic as any other
> >  automatic system. It perfectly fits the definitions of automatic in
> >  both the strictest sense and in many other ways, figuratively,
> >  literally and as used in RF communications:
> >
> It sounds like a ghastly prescription for useless QRM.
> de Roger W6VZV

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