Hi Peter,

A number of fellows tested the new radio control in PC-ALE v1.062H in the latest builds ( #5 being the most recent) with the SDR-1000 and all works just fine I am told, although I wrote it, I don't have one here to test with. If you are using DIG instead of USB, you need to select USB-D using CHANNEL > MODIFY, otherwise USB is fine. You need to ask your questions of the SDR-1000 owner/users of PC-ALE via the HFlink forum.

/s/ Steve, N2CKH

At 06:16 PM 10/13/2007, you wrote:

I’ve tried to use the PCALE program several times now. Each time I try to use it, I have zero luck.

A year or so ago, I downloaded it and couldn’t get it to control my TS-2000. But I heard there was a new version in the works, so I vowed not to write it off.

A couple of weeks back, I downloaded the latest version of PCALE. Now, instead of using my TS-2000 I’m using an SDR-1000 (that emulates a TS-2000). I religiously followed the instructions at <http://hflink.com/pcale/setup/>http://hflink.com/pcale/setup/ about setup. I got things linked up, more or less… seemingly got CAT control working (57.6Kbps, 8N1 – exactly how I setup MixW – Kenwood, etc) because I could change frequencies… but I couldn’t transmit (using CAT control). PCALE would TRY to transmit, but I’d get zero output. Worse, after exiting from PCALE, I couldn’t get anything ELSE on my system to transmit either. Arrrgh. After several restarts of the applications, and reboots of the system, I removed and re-installed the Virtual Audio Cable driver. I didn’t get ALE to work, but I was able to use MixW again with my radio. Enough success for that day.

Today, just a few minutes ago, I decided to try to get PCALE to work again. ALE OTAW and all… what better time, right? Yet, again, after diligently following the directions on HFLINK.COM (not that they tell you WHAT you’re doing, but they tell you what to DO anyhow)… my results were mixed:

a) One time PCALE transmitted (the “@@@” test message – what IS that by the way?), and at the end of the transmission didn’t unkey the rig.

b) Another time PCALE transmitted (the “@@@” test message again) and actually managed to unkey the radio properly

c)      Thereafter… no rig control, no transmit.

Soooo… it seems like I’m having a CAT control problem.  Or something.

If I do that “@@@” thing, and my message is getting out, should it show up on the Bonnie Super Locator Whizzy Keen web page??

Anybody have any guidance they can offer as to what the problem may be? I suspect bad rig control in PCALE, but hey… what do I know?

de Peter K1PGV

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