--- r_lwesterfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This is excellent . . . just what this group needs .
> . . and I deeply and
> truly mean that . . .sheesh . . . 
> Rick - KH2DF
>   _____  
> From:
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of John Bradley
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 8:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: [digitalradio] Pactor and Seasonally
> Affected Disorder (SAD)
> <snip>
> New Discovery from the Bolivian Journal of Medicine
> Physcians in Bolivia have recently released a paper
> on the destructive
> effects of pactor tones 
> On the middle-aged radio amateur population.
> The pulse frequency of pactor 3 appears to cause
> anxiety and obsessive
> behavior among middle aged males exposed to these
> frequencies while engaged
> in their hobbies. The pulse noise appears to have a
> cumulative effect on the
> observed subjects, increasing anxiety and fear
> through each exposure. In
> extreme cases the obsession is all consuming, and
> the fear of robotic pactor
> operations has become the focus of these individuals
> to the exclusion of all
> other aspects of a broad based hobby.
> Scientists have observed that these obsessions
> appear to peak at the spring
> and fall equinox. There is also some speculation
> that the lower the
> latitude, the more obsessive the individuals become.
> As the syndrome
> progresses,
> The affected individuals increasingly become less
> able to form rational
> thoughts . As the anxiety deepens ,the individuals
> affected look for
> software cures which would curtail or eliminate
> pactor pulse when a
> frequency is used for other purposes.
> As the anxiety increases many individuals become
> focused on WINLINK, an
> organization which uses pactor tones to move data
> from radio amateurs around
> the world. While the use of WINLINK is considerably
> down from 20 years ago,
> it is still responsible for the majority of pactor
> pulse cases the
> scientists have observed.
> Scientist have also found that there is a readily
> available cure. They
> recommend turning off any email service for a week,
> and , at the same time
> using OLIVIA to communicate on the radio amateur
> bands. The soothing tones
> of Olivia, especially 1000/32 tones has been know to
> cure the most anxious
> of operators, especially when scotch or rum is
> consumed at the same time.
> While this is not a cure, the obsessive behavior
> should be in remission for
> several months after the one week cure.
> <snip>
> John

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