expeditionradio wrote:
> > Alan G3VLQ wrote: In my opinion all amateur un-attended automatic
> > operation should be banned world wide. Automatic operation might be
> > essential to HF emcomm but is emcomm essential, I think not.
>  Alan,
>  Are you ready, along with all your friends, to personally monitor HF
>  24/7 for emergency communications?
>  You are welcome to your opinion, but the reality is, that we already
>  have 24/7 access communications being provided on HF by automatic
>  stations worldwide.

A pleasant little myth--all of these robot stations just standing by to 
respond to emergencies.  This is supposed to justify their constant 
QRMing of human operators when they transmit remorselessly without first 
listening.  It is very possible for a robot station to unknowingly 
(since they do not listen before transmitting) QRM other stations 
carrying emergency traffic.

de Roger W6VZV

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