> n6vl wrote:
>> Let's give the DRCC a shot!
> Hi Steve,
> I wasn't aware of DRCC, ut then I guess no one can keep up to date with 
> everything that goes on.  HI.
Ah, now I have a very red face, as I didn't recognise the name of the 
group that I'm already a member of. (Blush).

I will try to be a bit more active and add thmy DRCC number to my sign 
off at the end of my QSOs, which is how I became aware of the OMC in the 
first place.

It's Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) this weekend, and I've promised to help 
at a local Scout group and take one of my partners grandsons with me, 
which may mean I can't be as active from home as I would like.

However, I will try and be more active next week as well.

Dave (G0DJA)
DRCC #08

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