Starting this next Saturday and Sunday, Nov 17 and 18, we will have 
digital SSTV on 40 meters 7.177 starting at 8am CDT or 9am EDT.
This is so some of the generals can join us with digital Pic's.
We will be using EZPal with rs1 encoding. The purpose of this group is 
to Help people set up and use the new EZPal.
Please join us and we will be glad to help you set it up and get 
started using the program.
We will have a control operator, this will not turn into a 14.230 with 
everyone sending at the same time..
Even if you can't send yet, join us and look at some great Hi Res 
For more in contact me [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
(These is, so I'm told, a contest next weekend, which will cause 
massive interference with us on 7.177- they run splits and don't listen
to transmit freq.. But we'll try anyway. If it becomes impossible, 
we'll try the next weekend same time..

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