Another reason why PSK31 is so popular is that it's easy for developers to 
add support, it's the basic digital mode these days (along with RTTY). There 
are several open source implementations available which cover Windows and 

I haven't been able to keep up with Patrick's work as I have been to 
involved in getting some other basic software written; for ARQ modes such as 
FAE 400 to be adopted we need to get a GPL source code available so that 
it's easy for other developers to add support.

Myself I'm not too interested in the emergency comms side of things, at the 
moment more the normal chit-chat QSO modes.

I must say that Patrick has excellent ideas.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What we needed the most, were sound card ARQ modes such as FAE 400 in
> Multipsk, which is the first Windows sound card ARQ mode that works
> asynchronously, (as needed), to send full ASCII characters, error free,
> at a speed about twice as fast as PSK31 but can work deeper into the
> noise, especially with memory ARQ, and eliminates the timing issues that
> were such a problem with hardware ARQ modes.

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