Hi Andy,
It's a nice idea but bear in mind that with a perfect scenario the maximum
number of contacts per hour would only be 12. A full exchange with a CQ
thrown in would take 5 minutes to complete.
Also because the text boxes are limited to 13 characters in my case it is
not possible to call CQ DRCC VE3CDX - it will get truncated to CQ DRCC
VE3CD. It will work though if I run the text together such as CQDRCC VE3CDX.
The grid square gets thrown away though.
If you are proposing using EME protocol then operators can edit the text
boxes quite easily but if there are a lot of stations and there is QRM then
it will be very difficult to distinguish who is sending RO EM00 - especially
if there are two stations in EM00. Or if someone is sending RO and their
DRCC number. If you are proposing to use terrestrial protocol then you can
make it work as long as the operators do a lot of editing of the text boxes.
And are very careful about spacing of the characters. If an inadvertent
space gets inserted then some information is going to get missed.
Just my thoughts.
73, Barry VE3CDX/W7 DM26ic
As a point if interest the JT65 modes do not allow use of the /W7. There is
a definite set of prefixes that the JT65 modes recognize but /W7 isn't in
the list. In fact /W or /K are also illegal characters. The /W7 is valid
with the meteor scatter modes though - FSK441 and JT6M. If someone works me
on JT65A on HF they may think I'm in VE3 unless they pay attention to the
DM26 grid.


From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andrew O'Brien
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2007 11:05 AM
Subject: [digitalradio] Announcing the Digital Radio Century Club JT65A New
Years Crawl !

Announcing the Digital Radio Century Club New Years Crawl

Date : January 1 2008

Time : 0000Z to 0100Z AND 1200Z to 1300Z
(total operating time - 2 hours)

Mode. JT65A ONLY

Suggested CQ.. "CQ DRCC
de yourcall"

Bands : 20M or 40M ONLY. (suggested frequency
14074-077, 7035-40, )

Class: Single operator low power only
(under 100 watts)

Exchange: DRCC members RST and DRCC number.
Non-DRCC members send Grid Square
RO of DRCC number or grid
square must be received for valid contact.

Multipliers: Number of stations worked with DRCC
numbers under 100 and...
Number of stations worked outside
your continent*

Scoring : 5 points each DRCC member contact
1 point each non- DRCC member contact
Stations can be worked once per band

Example .... K3UK works 55 DRCC stations , 275
K3UK works 20 non-DRCC stations, 20 poiints
sub-total =
295 Points

Of 55 DRCC stations worked, 10 gave
DRCC numbers below 100.

295*10 = 2,950 points

Of 75 QSOs 10 were outside of North America

2,950 * 10 = 29,500 total points.

(multipliers count PER band, e.g. K3UK DRCC, number 001 , work on 40
and 20M is two multipliers. VK7DX worked by a North American station
on 40 and 20M is TWO multipliers).

Submit logs in text format to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:K3uk%40obriensweb.com> com by Feb 1 2008.

Results will be posted at http://groups.

Those who wish to obtain a DRCC number prior to December 31 may do so
by sending a request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:K3UK%40obriensweb.com> com

* ARRL defination of continent boundaries . North America includes
Greenland (OX) and Panama (HP). South America includes Trinidad &
Tobago (9Y), Aruba (P4), Curacao & Bonaire (PJ2-4) and Easter Island
(CE0). Oceania includes Minami Torishima (JD1), Philippines (DU),
Eastern Malaysia (9M6-8) and Indonesia (YB). Asia includes Ogasawara
Islands (JD1), Maldives (8Q), Socotra Island (7O), Abu Ail Island
(J2/A), Cyprus (5B, ZC4), Eastern Turkey (TA2-9) and Georgia (4L).
Europe includes the fourth and sixth call areas of Russia (R1-6),
Istanbul (TA1), all Italian islands (I) and Azores (CU). Africa
includes Ceuta & Melilla (EA9), Madeira (CT3), Gan Island (8Q), French
Austral Territory (FT) and Heard Island (VK0). See
http://www.arrl. <http://www.arrl.org/awards/wac/> org/awards/wac/

Suggested Software: WSJT or DM780 (pending DM780 beta release with
JT65A) . Score the
contest manually of via home brewed spreadsheets.
Andy K3UK
(QSL via N2RJ)

Andy K3UK
(QSL via N2RJ)


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