New Digital Voice Mode FDMDV

A new Digital Voice mode FDMDV has been announced on the website. It 
claims to be able to require a bandwidth of only 1.1 kHz. 

The website says: 

"FDMDV is the latest digital voice mode on HF - it caters to high quality 
digital voice under poor band conditions, in only 1100Hz bandwidth !" 

Personally I feel the words "high quality" may overstate it. Traditionally 
there has been a trade-off between bandwidth and quality, the less bandwidth 
the worse the quality. 

But it's free and costs nothing to try so I'm downloading my copy and if it 
comes anywhere close to the quality of a 2.4 kHz SSB transmission then I'll be 
more than happy 

Trevor M5AKA

FDMDV - the page also gives details of FDMDV net times 

FDMDV Download also has Usage Documentation v1.0 

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