
I am using Outpost Packet Manager with AGW for all my packet and winlink messaging. I don't know anything about windoze OS but using Outpost with wine is very sloooow. Everything is automated so all you have to do is set it up and push the send/receive button.


On 24-Dec-07, at 1:02 PM, Craig M wrote:


I got my 857D all hooked up and found a local freq that I can copy
traffic. I can even connect to another node. Not that I know what to
do after I connect.

Maybe its me or maybe its just how it is but the only thing I can find
to connect is a old version Hamscope and what seems to be a very flaky
version of AGW to act as the TNC. This seems to be the newest of
anything that I can find ...Most are pure DOS...

Is there a better way?

Thanks Craig KC0TPL

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