expeditionradio wrote:
>  --- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
>  <mailto:digitalradio%40yahoogroups.com>, "Barry Garratt"
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > HUH!
> >
> > They didn't want CW! What mode were the spark gap operators running
> > then ?
>  Spark.
>  Bonnie KQ6XA

Yes, CW replaced spark gap in much the same way that PSK31 and later 
sound card modes replaced Pactor as primary digital communications 
modes.  The innovation of the sound card modes made digital modes 
economical for most hams, and the digital modes have become far more 
ubiquitous than in the days when everyone needed a TNC to do digital 
modes.  It freed hams from monopolists with proprietary modes aimed at 
forcing people to buy their hardware.

Pactor is now pretty much dead as a QSO mode because there is no need to 
buy an expensive proprietary TNC to do advanced digital work.  Which is 
why very few hams own TNCs these days.

de Roger W6VZV

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