--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Dave Bernstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you'd actually read any of my posts, Demetre, you'd know that my 
> focus is on automatic stations without busy detectors -- no matter 
> what protocol they are using. In fact I recently posted here that 
> banning Pactor III because a bunch of inconsiderate operators use it 
> in PMBOs would be like banning automobiles because some people drive 
> drunk. See
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/digitalradio/message/25201
>    73,
>       Dave, AA6YQ

Dear Dave

Please let me know in which way do the PROPNET, ALE, HF packet BBSes,
HF APRS DIGIS, W1AW Broadcasts and the rest of the unattended systems
operating on the HF bands understand that there is a voice, cw,
digital QSO taking place on the frequency and if they stop their
transmission? As far as I know they all understand ONLY if there is
another station operating in the mode they USE and NO OTHER MODE.

So what you are talking about PACTOR 3 being the only offender is FAR

There is no system today that has such a DETECTOR you are dreaming about.

Finally if you are so adament about such a detector why don't you
write one that works (you already own an SCS MODEM) and give it for
free to the Radio Amateur community?

I know why. If you did that you would not have anything to whine about!!!

73 de Demetre SV1UY

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