The Ham Radio ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) 
is the only HF 24/7 network on ham radio that can be accessed and used
for text messaging without an external computer or modem. HFN may also
be used with a regular HF ham radio and a laptop or PC computer
soundcard using one of several free ALE software programs. 

Ham Radio ALE High Frequency Network (HFN) would cease to exist if any
of the objectives of FCC RM-11392 petition were to succeed.

HFN covers all of North America, and other parts of the world.
All HF bands.
All day.
All night.

see map:

HFN operates within FCC rules in the Automatically Controlled Data
Station HF Sub Bands... see chart:

The HFN system uses International Standard ALE (8FSK, with 2.2kHz
bandwidth) for selective calling, nets, bulletins, data, HF-to-HF
relay, direct text messaging, HF-to-Cell Phone texting, and short text
The primary purpose of HFN is to provide Emergency / Disaster Relief
Communications. When the system is not being used for the primary
purpose, it provides normal daily routine text messaging services,
propagation services, and many other types of features for hams.

HFN ALE stations use a common frequency per band, sharing the same
"channel" on a time-domain multiplexed basis, with a combination of
automatic busy detection and/or collision detection systems. The
transmissions are normally sent in quick bursts.

The system is free and open for all ham radio operators...  
for more information about using HFN, click here: 

The Ham Radio ALE High Frequency Network does not require the internet
to function, but it uses the internet when it is available. It is the
only ham radio system of its kind that is truly interoperable on HF
for selective calling, voice, and text, with other non-amateur
services and agencies. For more information about this, see 
Interoperable HF Communications: 

Who among the "anti-automatic" and "anti-everything-that-is-not-PSK31"
hams are going to volunteer to replace the HFN if it were to be killed
by this petition? 

Please show us your alternative 24/7/365 manually operated system on HF.
Show us how you will monitor all HF ham bands simultaneously and
respond instantly. 

When will you sleep? How many hams will work 8 hour shifts every day?
How will we alert you on HF to run emergency traffic? Will you answer
the call? 

It is time for those who seek to put us back to the digital stone age
to step up to the plate and put their money where their mouth is.

Happy New Year!

73 Bonnie KQ6XA


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