Historically RTTY operated on LSB. Newer sound card modes are mostly 
using USB, so the developers of the sound card programs usually have 
written them so that you operate your rig on USB for everything and the 
program takes care of the translation. You will find that if the other 
ham has their tones "normal," your tones should be "normal" as well.

The only time this might be a problem is if you specify a specific mark 
or space frequency since that would be very different if USB or LSB . 
Also, it is different for FSK and AFSK. But for RTTY what really matters 
most is that the spacing of the tones (called the shift) is the same for 
the equipment or program. That is normally 170 Hz for RTTY but differs 
for those modes that have a shift. Some TU's (Terminal Unit hardware 
boxes) may use 200 Hz which although close, is not optimum.


Rick, KV9U

Zack wrote:
> What is the standard rule for sidebands for the digital modes? Are all 
> bands 160-6 USB (for RTTY, PSK, WSJT, etc)? I have been looking for 
> this info but have not found it. A web link would be very helpful!
> Thanks
> Zack

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