Good list Andy.
Best wishes for a Happy New Year!
Barry VE3CDX/W7


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andrew O'Brien
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 6:52 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] Announcing The 4th Annual (2007) Digitalradio Awards

4th Annual (2007) Digitalradio Awards :

Best "new" Digital Mode : JT65A by Joe Taylor , K1JT . Not really new
but exploded in 2007 after much publicity from the Digitalradio group
, N0UK, and QST Magazine. The ultimate weak signal DX mode.

Best New Software: DM780 by Simon Brown HB9DRV .. Still beta,
but very well designed with some nifty features.

Best Logging Software: DX Keeper by Dave AA6YQ, makes DX QSLing easy,
good support for logging digital modes and works well with
Winwarbler, Multipsk and DM780 !

Moment Of The Year: When a member of this digitalradio group
volunteered to pay funeral expenses for N2JH, an indigent digital
ham and decorated Vietnam vet

Embarrassment Of The Year: When K3UK realized the focus of his "Bozo
Guide" , K1JT, was in fact a Nobel Prize winner !

Biggest Surprise Of The Year: K3UK's "Complete Bozo's Guide to HF
JT65A" was actually read and used. Even translated in to Russian
and Spanish!

Biggest Development in 2007 : Addition of ALE 400 in Multipsk. ARQ
, robust, and narrow bandwidth

Biggest Disappointments Of The Year :
1. Standard ALE , again (second year in a row) Has just not taken
off in the amateur world despite some really nice additions to PC ALE
and MARS-ALE .
2. Peter G3PLX going back in to his hermit cave after someone outed
his digital voice efforts!
3. Encomm with FLARQ. What, everyone scared to try it? Has much promise.

Biggest Testicles of The Year : Mark Miller N5RFX. Took a bold
step . No sitting around and whining for this guy, he spent some time
researching a digital topic and did something about it. Even handled
the resulting criticism with polite patience.

Best Digital Contest: : TARA MELEE. TARA makes contesting fun.

Experimenters Of The Year : Awards go John VE5MU , Steinar LA5VNA,
Tony K2MO , , Bill N9DSJ, Bernie VE3FW, Txema EA2AF. They are always
giving something new a try !

Digital Pioneers: Cesco HB9TLK and Patrick F6CTE. Both must never
get any sleep, always coming up with something new to try. Narrow ALE
and Narrow DV!

Needs Inventing in 2008 ......Open source, modular, Digital cross
platform emergency communications software that can provide ad hoc HF
and/or VHF access to the Internet for e-mail, plus messaging between
stations. FLARQ for Windows maybe ?

Most Anticipated Event in 2008: Release of Digital Master 780 by
Simon Brown, HB9DRV, WITH JT65A and SSTV

Contesting Achievement of the Year: PSK63 . It is no longer an
experimental contesting mode, has firmly established its self as
reliable contesting mode.

Good News of the year : John W0JAB ' still has working lungs (or lung!)

The awards are solely the opinions of Andy K3UK and thus are better
opinions than anyone else :>),

Happy New Year.

Andy K3UK


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