The flaw is that some seem to forget that under FCC rules
you can't have a station unattended...

At 02:39 AM 1/1/2008, you wrote:
>The flaw in your rhetoric, Jaak, is that Winlink PMBOs are QRMing existing 
>QSOs whether or not an emergency is in progress. No one has a problem with 
>this during an emergency -- but most of the time (thank goodness!) there is no 
>emergency, and we're being QRM'd for no rational reason. There is nothing 
>wrong with unattended stations, message passing, or using Pactor III -- but 
>there is a plenty wrong with failing to verify that the frequency is locally 
>clear before transmitting during non-emergency conditions.
>    73,
>         Dave, AA6YQ

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