Hi Skip,

I have not been able to display anything on the waterfall for receive 
and no random printing to the screen from noise either.
Same thing with both rigs on receive (I can't TX with the Pro 2 since no 
rig control to CI-V).

Both sound cards were tried for both programs, switching back and forth 
and trying all sound card positions including Windows default.

I have the built in Realtek Sound Card in this emachines computer, and 
an add on Creative Soundblaster Live! which is more accurate and I 
usually use that card.

The receive and transmit work fine with Multipsk (no rig control, just 
keying the VOX) on either card for TX and RX decoding, but with the 
vbdigi there is TX via toggling the Tune button or the T/R button and 
the rig seems to transmit quite well and I think with a clean signal 
when monitoring on the other rig.

Having done this kind of set up for many years and knowing of the 
pitfalls, I have not had a case where you could transmit OK but could 
not display anything on the waterfall unless there was a broken 
connection someplace. That does not seem possible since it works fine 
with Multipsk for both RX and TX.

Just to clarify, I am using VOX to key the Kenwood TS-440 via the AFSK 
RCA jacks after I re-discovered (have not used this for digital for 
many, many years) that it can not be driven adequately via the Line out 
from the sound card when using the 13 pin DIN plug.


Rick, KV9U

kh6ty wrote:
> Rick, do you receive PSK31 signals on the waterfall, and do they decode 
> properly into text?
> Does the 756 Pro 2 do the same with VBdigi?
> Do you have more than one soundcard/sound system in the computer?
> First we must establish that receive works and then address the transmit 
> problem. You can always use VOX for PTT if you use the mic input of the 
> transceiver.
> Skip KH6TY

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